We are the YouCan team!

Our mission

With the help of the YouCan! app we would like to accompany adolescents and young adults with cancer during their therapy, support them in their fight against cancer, encourage them and give them strength as well as hope.
Our valuesResponsible actionData protection and data securityFocus on our target group


Founder, Idea Provider, Pediatric Nurse, Psychology
Founder, IT Lead
Fullstack Developer
Pediatrician and adolescent doctor
Fullstack Developer
Content, Psychology
Julius G.
You ?


We are always looking for bright minds to join our team. Here you can find the currently open positions.
Internship in Content creation for image and film
Internship in Psychology
Internship in Social Media
Internship in Business administration or economics
Internship in DevOps / Systemadministration
Internship in Frontend- / Backend- / Fullstack-Development
Bachelor / Master thesis in computer science
How YouCan! DevelopedYou can! was brought to life by Janina. As a pediatric nurse, she herself worked for several years at the children's cancer ward of the Charite Berlin. She is therefore very familiar with the problems and needs of young people with cancer during the lengthy and exhausting cancer therapy. Early on she noticed that the sick young people were not receiving an adequate psychosocial care. With her psychology studies at the Freie Universität Berlin, Janina acquired further knowledge to help this target group. Already during her studies she developed the first app concept in 2019 and designed the first prototype for the YouCan! app. Janina then carried out the first pilot study with those affected at the Charite Berlin. The consistently positive feedback from the young people was the starting shot.Supporting young people with cancer has always been an affair of the heart for Janina. Together with David, Tamara and Marcel she therefore programmed the first version of the YouCan! app. In the following year, our team grew with more members. The YouCan! app was constantly being further developed and many new requests from those affected could be integrated into the app.Since April 2021, a part of our team has been supported by the Berlin Startup Scholarship through the Charite Berlin. With the funding, we have also moved from our small office in Berlin Lichterfelde to a large office in the startup villa of Freie Universität Berlin in Berlin Dahlem.More and more people became aware of YouCan! and that's how YouCan! has been awarded in the Female Funding Competition 2021 by the BAND (Business Angels Network Germany) among the top 8 best innovative ideas from startups from all over Germany.A further major milestone was reached in summer of 2021. In this respect, we have convinced the German Children's Cancer Foundation of the YouCan! App and were able to win them as a supporter for YouCan!. Togehter with the foundation, we have another strong partner at our side.In autumn 2021 we were also able to convince the jurors of the EXIST start-up grant of our vision, so that we have been awarded with the start-up grant since December 2021. As a mentor for the EXIST start-up grant, we were able to win Prof. Dr. Nina Knoll, an internationally renowned leading scientist.She has researched in the field of oncology herself for many years and with her longstanding expertise in the field of health psychology, she will support us in conducting the efficacy study, among other things.In March 2022, Janina presented YouCan! at the PSAPOH (Psychosocial Working Group in the Society for Pediatric Oncology and Haematology) Northeast Conference. The response was overwhelming and other clinics have stated their interest in the YouCan! app.In the summer of 2022, there was a reason to celebrate, YouCan! was among the StartSocial scholarship recipients and thus one of the best social projects nationwide!On March 23, 2023, YouCan! received an award as part of the nationwide start-up competition Digital Innovations of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection. Out of a total of 189 companies, YouCan! was selected by the jury for one of the six start-up+ awards.With the start of the beta phase, the YouCan! app is now available to all children and adolescents throughout Germany. In addition, further pilot projects are underway at various clinics, where the YouCan! app is to be integrated into everyday therapy.